Covering ground – Species Hunting Chapter 2

So I was really getting the LRF bug now and although it was just a few days to wait I spent them mentally planning how to attack picking up more species.

So the weekend finally came. My other half had a weekend planned with her friends leaving me and Owen with a stamped leave pass to hang out with the fishes all weekend.

I drove to Devon after work from Ash Vale on the Friday evening and amazingly the weather was improving all of the way. I was staying at my mum’s place on a sofabed so I dumped my bags said hi to everyone and put Owen to bed who was already there waiting for me.

“Mum, you mind if I pop out for a few hours?😀”.

Continue reading “Covering ground – Species Hunting Chapter 2”

So I wanted to catch smaller fish??? Species Hunting – Chapter 1

This blog post is the first of 3 accounts I will be writing about the Species hunt Competition ran by Osborne and Cragg Tackle Shop in Plymouth. I hope you enjoy the read and come back for the future posts!

What a season so far! I caught 70cm bass from the shore in pitch black darkness.


Lure caught Seabass on a ‘Jim’s lures Needlefish under the expert Guidance of Marc Cowling ‘The South Devon Bass guide’

I’ve caught fairly large trout 3-4lb on the fly for the first time, I caught a 5lb chub (my first) with free-lined bread in a narrow and shallow stream.

Continue reading “So I wanted to catch smaller fish??? Species Hunting – Chapter 1”

Light in the dark – The secret ingredient?

The moon is trying to come out and that might just make a difference“.

About 5 minutes before the Savage Gear lure rod I was using folded over, my guide Marc Cowling had commented on the lunar activity.

Then as the clouds broke just long enough for the moon to light up the world around us, fish on. And oh what a fish she was. I felt was a tap on the tip of the rod, and then the vibration of the line stripping from the reel as the fish took off like a silver bullet.

On Friday night after months and months of correspondence I finally met up with Marc Cowling, ‘The South Devon Bass Guide’.

Continue reading “Light in the dark – The secret ingredient?”

“I’ll give you a tip!” An account of poor customer service.

As I finish my coffee and look over the bill, I realise we have been severely overcharged.
The price of food is normal, the overpriced drinks are just as bad as I expected, but a 12.5% voluntary service charge has been added without any volunteering done by anyone.image

Continue reading ““I’ll give you a tip!” An account of poor customer service.”

Seaside and Coca-Cola

Blog 1.

I’m by no means new to blogging. But after someone asked if I blog about anything other than boxing, I just couldn’t resist starting again.

I’m a writer. I’ve loved writing since I was about 10 years old. Poems, stories, articles, emails and anywhere else I can use my imagination.
Continue reading “Seaside and Coca-Cola”

Active Angling New Zealand

For Anglers Who Want to Fish More Actively

Lee Russell Travel

A Taste of the World

DP Predator Fly Fishing

Take the next step in your angling adventure

Lines on the Water

The Blog of the Angling Trust Freshwater Team

Fishing Maverick

Gone Fishing

Ben Bassett - LRF Blog

Light Rock Fishing & More

Puttys Lure Fishing Blog

A Fishing Blog by Putty Bass and Lure orientated.


- Nathaniel James: Surfer, Angler and Writer -

"Different Swims"

~ An Angling Addicts Exploits ~

South Devon Bass Guide Ltd

Guided lure fishing for bass, from the beautiful south Devon coastline.

How To Trick A Fish

Lure fishing with Lee Russell-Clark