How To Trick A fish

I dream of a day when I get up, grab a rod and some lures and go to work.

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Lee Russell-Clark……… Lure Angler

I started fishing at around the age of 17 ( A long time ago now). My younger brother took me out with some float fishing gear and some ragworm and we caught a bunch of fish. Gobies, Blennies, Wrasse, Pollock etc. It was a bloody good laugh and so I kept going………..

My Youtube Adventure

So diving into the Youtube market at the ripe age of 33 is kind of daunting. Imposter syndrome completely sets in! But I am loving filming, editing and releasing short videos sharing some of what I am up to in my fishing.

A stunning 70cm Fish Caught on a guided session with Marc Cowling ‘The South Devon Bass Guide’.

Bass Fishing

Now until recently where I have started to admit that I’m a LERFER (Light Rock Fishing enthusiast), I had always considered myself a bass angler, only problem being is that I don’t really hardly ever fish for bass. In fact, I’d probably say I have spent less time deliberately targeting bass in the last 5 years than I have a different 20 species.

So…… I’m not really a bass angler, but I am a bass obsessive. I follow more bass anglers, read more bass books, watch more bass videos than anything else, they completely bewilder me and when my move to the coast is completed I will be giving bass fishing at least 30% of my actual fishing time.

Discovering Unlimited Beauty

As a keen photographer, fishing puts me face to face with amazing landscapes and wildlife. It also goes hand in hand with my love of travel.

Please feel free to check out any of my instagram accounts where I regularly upload my photos and videos.

Species Hunting

Every Year I press reset in my mind and start again trying to see how many species of fish I can tally up in a calendar year.

Over the years of fishing with lighter lures and LRF tactics I have started to regularly pick up some of the coolest fish on our shores and inland water systems and all on artificials. I’m talking minnows and gobies on lures!

To those already in the LRF revolution this will come as no surprise and I’m sure, in fact I know many of you have much cooler species on your lists regularly.

My aim is to continue adding techniques to my arsenal, explore new grounds and find more and more species.

Using the blog I try and keep count for the current year and also my lifetime species lists.

As the page develops I hope to photograph and share little bits of info about how each fish has been caught and hopefully help a few others along the way.

What People Say

Lee invited me to join him for “The Big Lerfin Fundraiser”. I’d never had a go at proper LRF fishing, so I was well up for it. Lee showed me what to do & how. It wasn’t long before I was getting bites and hooking into fish. Had loads of fun and learned a lot from Lee. Definitely going to do more LRF fishing!

Dominic Braxton – Lure Angler

When fishing with Lee, you can’t help but be impressed by his knowledge and enthusiasm! Willing to share that knowledge, fishing locations and even his gear if a fellow is struggling makes him a top bloke in my book!

Wayne Taylor – Gosport UK

Disclaimer: Some of the links on this website and in my blog posts are affiliated links meaning I may make a small commission if you were to chose to buy any of the products or others on the websites after clicking on my links. This does not affect your price in anyway but allows for me to make a small commission which comes directly from the seller as a small reward for me recommending their stores. I do not make a living from creating affiliate links or content, it’s just a bit of fun and pocket money toward topping up my lure box and buying equipment such as cameras, memory cards, microphones etc for creating new content.

However if you are stinking rich and want to pay me to go fishing…….. Let’s do this!

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How To Trick A Fish

Lure fishing with Lee Russell-Clark