Retrieve with speed?

After what has felt like years but was only a few months of waiting I finally got the freshwater season started last Friday evening.

Before heading to the local canal (which does observe the river close season) I spent a good 20 minutes in the garage pondering lure choices before taking almost everything I could carry with me as well as an LRF 0-7g lure rod and heavier spinning rod to cover some options.

Continue reading “Retrieve with speed?”

How to save on luggage size and weight if travelling to Japan! Toiletries etc. Don’t take them! Blog 4

For a simple (not fussy) man like myself who’s self hygiene regime consists of shower gel, a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, a toothbrush and tooth paste. I would honestly say you can get away with leaving your wash bag at home and just whacking a stick or can of deodorant in your hold luggage.

Everything you need is provided everywhere. If you have found exceptions in your travels please comment but even hotels we didn’t stay in that we saw whilst looking had taken the time to provide pictures of the toiletries they provide in their hotel, B&B, Air B&B, Ryoken, Love hotel etc.

They just all seen to provide it.With how good the customer service is absolutely everywhere you go in this amazing country, it is hardly surprising but we’ll worth knowing in advance.

Standard supplies (at all lodgings we stayed in) included:

Shower Gel (face and body wash), Shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes with toothpaste, handwash, a shave kit (not the best 👎) and flannels of some sort. Oh and air and fabric freshener which I often used to spray my shoes after a days walking.

Most also provided:

Cotton buds, cotton wool, shower caps, hairbrush, moisturiser sachets and the list goes on.

Further space saving for anyone even considering pyjamas/robes/slippers etc.

Don’t. All but one of our hotels provided pyjamas/robes/yukata and all provided slippers (some places even had an extra pair specifically for the toilet).

We looked in a while bunch of shops including pharmacy type places and could find just about anything you may wish to buy but be warned, unless you can read japanese or have a bloody good translator app buying random items can be difficult.

So pack light, and most of the stuff, just dont.pack it at all.I

Thanks for reading.

Stranger Things…… Is this what the goonies would have been like if set on Prometheus?

After watching a whole series of Stranger things in 1 weekend, I’m not exactly here to slag it off. It rocks!

Set in the early 80’s before I was even born it really shouldnt be that nostalgic for me but it is. Mentions of Risky Business, Dungeons and dragons, All The Right Moves, Atari, and many more as well as a feel that every 80s and 90s kid will embrace warmly as what tv and films were lik

Continue reading “Stranger Things…… Is this what the goonies would have been like if set on Prometheus?”

Cabin Fever?

When it started to get cold in 2017, I didn’t stop fishing, I just started wearing extra layers. I have read reports of cabin fever almost daily on Facebook groups and I just don’t know If it is getting to me or not.

I am lucky to regularly have access to the Plymouth coastline which is home to a wide array of species of fish to target and have a 10 year old who actively wants to get out there and fish and explore the coastline. So why stop fishing?

Continue reading “Cabin Fever?”

January blues and February Fun.

With Owen leaving the country for few weeks in January I didn’t fit in any saltwater fishing trips. In fact I barely fished at all.

I managed a handful of canal trips of about an hour each with only 3 small perch for my efforts all falling for small ecogear lures from the ‘Pocket in’ pack I purchased from Osborne and Cragg in Plymouth.

Continue reading “January blues and February Fun.”

New years resolutions

It has taken me 11 days but I am finally making some New Years Resolutions.

1) Personal – Do something I enjoy every day. Life is short so enjoy it.
2) For others – I want to speak out when I believe others are bullying or just being out of order. Mainly on social media where I see bullying almost everyday in some form or another.
3) Environmental – I want to pick up at least 1 bag of rubbish everytime I go sea fishing and put it in a bin as well as dramtically improve on my own waste habits. 
Hopefully I can look back at the end of this year and feel I have made some difference. 

Plenty more fish in the sea…….. and rivers, canals, lakes etc. 2018’s targets.

As 2017 was fricken awesome in fishing terms. 2018 has to be target fillled and full of hope.

Catch and release rules for sport fishemen in the EU seabass fishery means that I won’t be allowed to keep any bass this year. Which makes no difference to me as I have released all bass I have caught (not many) for several years.

Continue reading “Plenty more fish in the sea…….. and rivers, canals, lakes etc. 2018’s targets.”

Fishing for likes 😀. Social media and what I learnt in 2017.

After a terrible few years, I said at the end of 2016 I was going to start catching more fish.

I am not an expert, or a tackle tart who is buying all the latest and expensive gear, or even a very gifted angler really. But in 2017 I hardly blanked at all and really improved my overall angling ability.

The years success I put down to 3 factors.

  1. Great advice from the amazing fishing community on social media.
  2. Putting the hours in (and I mean a lot of hours),
  3. Not being afraid to go small.

Continue reading “Fishing for likes 😀. Social media and what I learnt in 2017.”

The final Word – Species Hunting Chapter 3 and tackle/tactic review.

After fishing through Saturday daytime and a number of new species for Owen and I, the scores were doubled from where we left them on our first session the prev ious Wednesday at 8 – 4 to me (I had much more opportunity to fish than Owen due to being an adult).

Now feel free to stop reading if you want to hear about more species caught in the competition for us, because although we tried, we did not catch any further species to add to our tally. I will be talking about tactics and tackle used at the end of the blog post though so you may be interested in skipping to the end.

Continue reading “The final Word – Species Hunting Chapter 3 and tackle/tactic review.”

Active Angling New Zealand

For Anglers Who Want to Fish More Actively

Lee Russell Travel

A Taste of the World

DP Predator Fly Fishing

Take the next step in your angling adventure

Lines on the Water

The Blog of the Angling Trust Freshwater Team

Fishing Maverick

Gone Fishing

Ben Bassett - LRF Blog

Light Rock Fishing & More

Puttys Lure Fishing Blog

A Fishing Blog by Putty Bass and Lure orientated.


- Nathaniel James: Surfer, Angler and Writer -

"Different Swims"

~ An Angling Addicts Exploits ~

South Devon Bass Guide Ltd

Guided lure fishing for bass, from the beautiful south Devon coastline.

How To Trick A Fish

Lure fishing with Lee Russell-Clark