HTO Nebula Lure Rods

So in my search for a new bass lure rod (In the UK) I have come across some really good prices on ebay for the Nebula range of rods so though I’d share a few of the range here.

I have heard of some of these rods available in the UK in the past for as low as £100 but having done a good search around I think that these ebay stores are currently offering good value.

HTO Nebula 4 piece travel Rod £147.99

HTO Nebula 7ft 6 7-28g 2 piece rod £112.00

HTO Nebula Lure Fishing Rod 2.4M 8ft 7-30g £119.99

HTO Nebula SP 2.5m 8’2″ £169.99

Alternatively if you want a cheap stick there is the HTO Hooligan available from about £44.99 in different sizes

Disclaimer: All of these links are through the EBAY Partnership Network, so if you chose to make a purchase I may earn a small commission which I will use to keep providing content, it will not however cost you anymore to purchase through these links. Thanks for looking #hto #HTOnebula #HTOhooligan #bassfishing #Basslurerod #lurefishingforbass

HTO Nebula Travel Rod 9ft 7-35g | HTO Rods | Lure Heaven

Fishing spot obsessions……

This one is a little wacky. But bear with me it is going somewhere…. I think at least.

My first ever cast with a lure into fresh water was immediately met with a surface take from a chub that I would have been chuffed to bits with with on any bait or method. But it spat the lure out right in front of my eyes and might as well have swam off screaming “I am warning all my mates”. As for the next 3 years tempting a chub on an artificial lure or fly just wasn’t to be for me.

I have tried fishing for chub on the fly rod on several occasions only for them to spit the fly before i could set the hook. I tried fishing for chub on many different lures for them only to be spooked and swim away hastily. I have tried in creeks, canals and rivers but nothing seemed to work for me. I had the occasional follow. A splash here and there and fish mouthing the lure in front of me just to really make me utterly sick at times but nothing swimming off downstream with a hook in the lips and a bend in my rod.

In the middle of all this I moved location and found a spot near where I live where the chub are simply not even slightly catch-able and this has driven me bananas to the point where I am obsessed with catching from this spot.

Now this shitty little stretch of stream which is under a road bridge across from a railway station and a pub is only about 6 inches deep in most parts and if full of litter. Bicycles, traffic cones and whatever else the scum of our earth throw into it on a day to day basis. But I consistently see fish in this stretch and I’ve now spotted perch, chub, pike, barbel, dace, bleak and some kind of loach here at different times as well as a vast array of birds, dragonflies and some very very rare species of people haha.

So how can I not keep coming back to it. I’ve had a session here where I have caught a perch almost every cast and I’ve hooked and lost (what i think is) the same pike 3 times. But to this day I cant seem to tempt the most common fish I see here, the chub .

I tried fishing about half a mile downstream and on my 5th cast had my first ever chub on a lure which I followed up a few sessions later with another.

Now with a little confidence I returned to my favoured swampy bridge for some more torture.

Of course I started to blank and haven’t even managed a perch in my last 2 hours (combined) of fishing from the spot.

I keep telling myself to move on and stop fishing the spot but I cant stop returning again and again trying different angles, lures, speeds, depths, weights etc. Changing anything I can to trigger a response from one of the resident chub.

I know that when the perch are present that I can catch them but it’s the simple fact I have seen these chub so often that is driving me positively barmy.


If you want to find out more about catching UK fish on lures, I strongly recommend you try this great book here which provides info on everything you might want to know about lure fishing in the UK and how to catch a huge variety of species.

A Lille trip to France. Chapter 2, losing ourselves.

A good night sleep helped us prepare for breakfast! A real feast of breads with everything we had bought the day before. More rilletes, pates, cheeses, fresh tomatoes mixed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, juices, tee and coffee.  In high spirits and well fed, we decided to take a scenic route via the canal and local gardens to the citadel and then planned to walk into the town centre. What we didn’t really think too much about is just how hot it was going to be. Continue reading “A Lille trip to France. Chapter 2, losing ourselves.”

A Lille trip to France. Chapter 1

Last minute(as we always seem to do), Emily booked our transport across the channel. Meaning that come Saturday morning we would be dusting of the ‘sil vous plaits’ and ‘au reviors’ and wondering why even bother to buy bread or pastry in the UK at all.

The whole channel tunnel crossing thing I can’t help but think it’s normally a nightmare but in fact generally it is pretty damn efficient and if you arrive early you often get on an earlier crossing as well. But the stigmatism doesn’t seem to shift.

Continue reading “A Lille trip to France. Chapter 1”

The absolute basics – My 3 rules that might help you catch more fish.

I have read and heard so much rubbish over the last decade that I feel the need to strip this amazing sport back to the absolute basics to be able to give any advice at all. I am not an expert by any means. I don’t fish everyday and I certainly wouldn’t bet on myself in any competitions. But I can and do catch fish almost every time I go, and I am absolutely certain the advice in this article will increase your chances of catching fish if you are not already following it. If you are already catching plenty of fish on a regular basis, first of all well done! And then please move on as this post likely isn’t aimed at you. But please also share your secrets and advice in the comments!

I’m gonna sum this up with 3 very basic rules and then develop each rule with something a little more in depth to think about.

Continue reading “The absolute basics – My 3 rules that might help you catch more fish.”

How to (or not to) pick a lure. Fishing madness

The water looks perfect, I can see bait fish every where so I know I could match the hatch, I’ve heard great stories of what people are catching on this week and I also have this lovely new shiny lure I’ve been dying to try out.

But first I better clip on the last lure I caught with right? Or the go to, the one I just can’t stop fishing with?

Yeh ok, so are we are completely and utterly rediculous? Or is it just me?

Continue reading “How to (or not to) pick a lure. Fishing madness”

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- Nathaniel James: Surfer, Angler and Writer -

"Different Swims"

~ An Angling Addicts Exploits ~

South Devon Bass Guide Ltd

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How To Trick A Fish

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