Lee Russell – Lure Angler

I started fishing at around the age of 17 ( A long time ago now). My younger brother took me out with some float fishing gear and some ragworm and we caught a bunch of fish. Gobies, Blennies, Wrasse, Pollock etc. It was a bloody good laugh and so I kept going.

Over the next few years, my tackle got bigger (behave) and so did the fish I was still catching but less and less and as I was lugging around more gear I found myself fishing less.

Through a growing obsession which crossed over into my reading and watching material though I was soon hearing about modern lure fishing with modern tackle. Light rods and minimal gear and seeing videos like ‘wild fishing with Henry Gilbey’ really turned me onto lure fishing. So the mountain of gear went in the garage and I started collecting shiny bits of plastic, Japanese reels and wands you could call noodles they were so light.

Fast forward a few years and I now pretty much only use lures in my day to day fishing apart from the occasional attempt at fly, and would only really consider bait fishing if going along to keep someone else company or for creating content.

I mainly fish with ultralight or LRF (Light Rock Fishing) tactics as I find this the most fun and easiest way to increase the number of species I can target. Rather than setting myself goals of catching new PBs or spending months or years (as I have in the past) on a single species I now take every opportunity I get to to ‘just go fishing’. I dont need the tackle shop to be open, or fresh/live bait in the fridge. I dont need a truckload of gear, just me, my wits a rod and some lures is usually enough.

My blog has no set structure or destination, It’s just me rambling about fishing, but there will be some useful stuff in there (I hope) and perhaps even some entertainment or at least toilet reading 🙂

Tackle Talk

Disclaimer: I don’t claim to be a tackle expert, but I am well informed and a brilliant researcher, and I enjoy helping others. A lot of my content will contain links to tackle I have used or know well. On occasion I may also link tackle I have not got first hand experience in using if the tackle is part of the content I am producing.

I also offer a 100% free service of recommending lure fishing tackle. I may make some commission from the seller on occasions (if items are bought through my links) but will try and find bargain priced tackle to fit your budget and only use affiliated links when I find you a good deal. As I do this for free and when I have spare time, please be clear if you need links fast because of an upcoming trip etc. and I will try to help sooner. If what your looking for isn’t within my experience I will instead either lean on my vast network of fishing buddies and social media contacts or point you in the right direction of people who I might think you already know.

What People Say

Lee invited me to join him for “The Big Lerfin Fundraiser”. I’d never had a go at proper LRF fishing, so I was well up for it. Lee showed me what to do & how. It wasn’t long before I was getting bites and hooking into fish. Had loads of fun and learned a lot from Lee. Definitely going to do more LRF fishing!

Dominic Braxton – Lure Angler
Myself, Wayne Taylor and Dom

When fishing with Lee, you can’t help but be impressed by his knowledge and enthusiasm!

Willing to share that knowledge, fishing locations and even his gear if a fellow is struggling makes him a top bloke in my book!

Wayne Taylor – Lure Angler
Wayne and his awesome hat

“Originally from South Devon himself, Lee had been exceptionally supportive and complimentary of my blog posts and the detail within them”

“Despite the lack of interest from our quarry it had been a pleasure to finally meet him and to share his positive outlook on life in general.” (From the book “Bass lure Fishing, A guides Perspective Volume 1

Marc Cowling – South Devon Bass Guide
Marc incredible second book – if you haven’t got a copy, get one!

Let’s build something together.

Active Angling New Zealand

For Anglers Who Want to Fish More Actively

Lee Russell Travel

A Taste of the World

DP Predator Fly Fishing

Take the next step in your angling adventure

Lines on the Water

The Blog of the Angling Trust Freshwater Team

Fishing Maverick

Gone Fishing

Ben Bassett - LRF Blog

Light Rock Fishing & More

Puttys Lure Fishing Blog

A Fishing Blog by Putty Bass and Lure orientated.


- Nathaniel James: Surfer, Angler and Writer -

"Different Swims"

~ An Angling Addicts Exploits ~

South Devon Bass Guide Ltd

Guided lure fishing for bass, from the beautiful south Devon coastline.

How To Trick A Fish

Lure fishing with Lee Russell-Clark