How to save on luggage size and weight if travelling to Japan! Toiletries etc. Don’t take them! Blog 4

For a simple (not fussy) man like myself who’s self hygiene regime consists of shower gel, a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, a toothbrush and tooth paste. I would honestly say you can get away with leaving your wash bag at home and just whacking a stick or can of deodorant in your hold luggage.

Everything you need is provided everywhere. If you have found exceptions in your travels please comment but even hotels we didn’t stay in that we saw whilst looking had taken the time to provide pictures of the toiletries they provide in their hotel, B&B, Air B&B, Ryoken, Love hotel etc.

They just all seen to provide it.With how good the customer service is absolutely everywhere you go in this amazing country, it is hardly surprising but we’ll worth knowing in advance.

Standard supplies (at all lodgings we stayed in) included:

Shower Gel (face and body wash), Shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes with toothpaste, handwash, a shave kit (not the best 👎) and flannels of some sort. Oh and air and fabric freshener which I often used to spray my shoes after a days walking.

Most also provided:

Cotton buds, cotton wool, shower caps, hairbrush, moisturiser sachets and the list goes on.

Further space saving for anyone even considering pyjamas/robes/slippers etc.

Don’t. All but one of our hotels provided pyjamas/robes/yukata and all provided slippers (some places even had an extra pair specifically for the toilet).

We looked in a while bunch of shops including pharmacy type places and could find just about anything you may wish to buy but be warned, unless you can read japanese or have a bloody good translator app buying random items can be difficult.

So pack light, and most of the stuff, just dont.pack it at all.I

Thanks for reading.

Published by Lee

Born 9/10/1987. Plymouth UK Lived in Plymouth until 18 years of age . Ex Royal Navy Mad fisherman and Boxing enthusiast! Previously based in both Plymouth, Portsmouth and London in the UK, I now live and work out of Ash Vale, Surrey, UK.

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