Ikea…… And meatballs

For some Sunday fitness we decided we should tackle the maze at Ikea.

In looking for some LED bulbs and some more food jars we managed to just about avoid buying a bed, new drawers, a tv stand and a giant photo of a London skyline which we literally couldnt hang anywhere.

We did however pick up an extra long 6 socket extension lead, a plant pot, some fizzy pear juice and a couple of handy plastic storage containers.

3kms later (actually measured by my LG fitness app) I can rest assured that this is more expensive then going to the gym and a lot more frustrating.

So why does Britain love Ikea?

In my own personal opinion…. Meatballs! I’m pretty sure whenever my other half (Emily) wants to go she just asks me if I want to go for meatballs for tea.

They’re not even that good. Bog standard meatballs with french fries and gravy. Massive dollops of mayonaise, lingonberry jam and Ikea’s Swedish mustard are optional, as are several refils of the less than average standard tea and coffee.

But there is something about knowing what you are getting and settling for average quality in order to be assured of a reasonable price that us Brits just cant ignore.

Wetherspoons is a great example.

Average to less than average food and drink at a good price.

The rest of Ikea’s goods follow a similar pattern to the meatballs. A set of shelves will hold your books for a fair few years but will never be the same as a good set of quality built shelves the same way that meatballs and fries will never taste as good as a good pub carvery!

Published by Lee

Born 9/10/1987. Plymouth UK Lived in Plymouth until 18 years of age . Ex Royal Navy Mad fisherman and Boxing enthusiast! Previously based in both Plymouth, Portsmouth and London in the UK, I now live and work out of Ash Vale, Surrey, UK.

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