Money or freedom? A work-life balance

Its 0700 on Saturday morning and once again I am awake, dressed, fed and sat on a train listening to several conversations in languages I can’t understand.

Having already worked a 56 hour week I’m heading back in to make it 68 before I can head home and finally relax for the week.

Now people have often said I’m mad for the hours I am willing to work in most of the positions I have been employed in but compared to a lot of people in London….

Its like I’m working part time!


I think that I still have a good work to life balance.
I try to only work extra hours when I think that the company genuinely needs it and it doesn’t directly interfere with my out of work plans.

Now this doesn’t mean I’m not flexible. I don’t mind being a little late home for my dinner or staying back to finish something off.

But if I have a date planned with my girlfriend then….

Sorry boss, but it’s someone elses turn this time


Of course there are still exceptions to the general rule where in an emergency plans can be altered or swapped around but you have to remember that you are working to live. Not living to work.


Having started my career with the Royal Navy and having very little choice about working patterns, hours or even when you can take a break, I became very used to just saying yes and doing what was required. My next job also was very strict on hours, breaks and even restricted when you could take your holiday.

But having moved on and now working in much better working environments with freedom and trust. I now choose when to take my breaks, holidays and even to an extent, can have flexible working hours to fit around life.

The problem with having too much freedom at work, I have noticed that many people take it for granted and become less and less flexible and more and more unreliable. Sometimes almost unwilling to stay and help when it is needed even when you are getting paid for it.

I’d like to think I can walk the line down the middle and help out where it’s necessary but still be wary that it’s a job and not let my quality of life suffer because of it.

There is often another insentive for ‘overtime’ in a lot of jobs.

Money can often make you blind to the value of your time!

When you work hard for average to poor money it can be very easy to be swayed when faced with the prospect of overtime rates from between 1.5 to 3 times your regular rate.

I won’t lie, money drives me to work better than anything else. Someone once said to me that if you are willing to work when it’s flat rate, you would be daft to turn it down when its double. That makes a lot of sense to me.

But money isn’t everything as they say. The things I enjoy the most are often free or cost very little. I’d prefer a home cooked meal and a good movie to any night out (maybe not including going to the boxing haha). So sometimes working every hour makes no sense to me. It will just help to line someone elses pockets once the money has been spent.

So how do you find the perfect balance? How much money is your time worth?
And most importantly where do your priorities lay? At work or at home?

Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below?

Published by Lee

Born 9/10/1987. Plymouth UK Lived in Plymouth until 18 years of age . Ex Royal Navy Mad fisherman and Boxing enthusiast! Previously based in both Plymouth, Portsmouth and London in the UK, I now live and work out of Ash Vale, Surrey, UK.

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