Seaside and Coca-Cola

Blog 1.

I’m by no means new to blogging. But after someone asked if I blog about anything other than boxing, I just couldn’t resist starting again.

I’m a writer. I’ve loved writing since I was about 10 years old. Poems, stories, articles, emails and anywhere else I can use my imagination.

For some reason or another I seemed to have lost my way for the best part of a decade after leaving school. Perhaps I was collecting material. Some of my own true stories are almost too farfetched for people to believe. But I’ll throw some of them out there anyway.

When I was only 17 my life was mainly about football, the sea, vodka and coca-cola. After spending over 800 days at sea, the best part of £80,000 wasted on vodka and so many football seasons that have now blended into one I can honestly say I’ve grown up. But just a little.

I hardly watch football at all anymore. Maybe I’ve fell out of love with the game, or perhaps it just had to go with the drinking. I still love watching really high standard football matches such as The Champions League, but it doesn’t run in my blood as it once did.

A lot of people will know I have a passion for combat sports, boxing imparticular but I have a whole website dedicated to it, so I’ll leave that there.

My love for the sea is ridiculous. It’s water in general really. I can stare at a river or ocean for hours on end and feel at peace. I often do. I love boats, wildlife and fishing. I just can’t get enough time in by the water. Living in London I now have to make do with the Thames but on my regular weekend trips to Plymouth I get the chance to soak in some salty air and admire the coast.

When I finished school I found booze. It was the fuel behind a lot of fun but also the catalist for bad physical and mental health. After a several years of taking in more than my fair share of the British national past time of ‘binge drinking’ I managed to cut right down whilst trying to lose weight and have never really been a ‘drinker’ ever since. Now I do something I could never understand when I was younger. I drink for the taste. A nice refreshing beer or some wine with food.

So a decade on from where I fell out of writing someone suggested I start again last year and I’ve been blogging on my boxing website ever since.

I’m not as good with punctuation, spelling or grammar as I was when I had just finished school but I enjoy it none-the-less and have had some good feedback over the last year.

My material will come from my life, both current and past as well as some ranting no doubt about whats grinding me in the news and media.

So please give me a follow and plenty of feedback. Good and bad!

I hope you enjoy it, I’ll try and keep it interesting.

I may not be the wild young man people remember from when I was 17 through until my early 20s and I definately have a lott less energy and hair haha. But some things remain constant. I’m still a very sociable person. I love talking, laughing, debating and…….

I still love the Seaside and Coca-cola!

Published by Lee

Born 9/10/1987. Plymouth UK Lived in Plymouth until 18 years of age . Ex Royal Navy Mad fisherman and Boxing enthusiast! Previously based in both Plymouth, Portsmouth and London in the UK, I now live and work out of Ash Vale, Surrey, UK.

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